
Friday, March 1, 2013

Featuring Tanuki Jewlery

 Occasionally you find an artist that clearly creates from the soul. Their work is such a part of them you aren't sure where the artist ends and the masterpiece starts as they seam to merge as one. Today I would like to share with you a jeweler who creates art from metal in a most elegant way.

Vanessa O of Tanuki Jewelery has a passion for simple beauty one could say. Her work draws inspiration from her surroundings taking note of the textures, shapes, and current fashion trends. Utilizing techniques such as wax carving, casting, stamping, soldering, stretching, and metal manipulation Vanessa is able to create unique jewelery with pure sophistication.

When asked to tell us a little about herself here is what Vanessa had to say:

     "I am a traveler, photographer, crafter, and jewelry maker.  I am in love with things DIY, and had always wanted to make my own jewelry.  I took some courses on wax carving, and metalsmithing and fell in love.  I take inspiration from every day shapes, my travels, and street fashion.  All my items are handmade with love, and are meant to wear as simple every day jewelry, that can also grab attention from your friends!"

Vanessa is a lover of all things handmade and enjoys the care put into handmade items. Browse through the collection of delicate items she has created for you on her Etsy store or follow her on Twitter to keep up with her newest pieces.

Remember there's never a better time to buy than when there is a discount! Vanessa has kindly offered free domestic shipping in the US for the month of March 2013 to all Tiny Tipis blog readers. Use code "TINYTIPISFREESHIP" at checkout.

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