
Thursday, February 7, 2013

DIY Valentines Day Gift

The Heart-ful Hand Warmer

A Picture Tutorial by Tiny Tipis

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I saw an idea on Pinterest this morning and had to try it. Since I was at a loss for what to give my husband for Valentine's Day I decided to make him something to keep him warm. I like to keep those that I love well-fed and warm. This simple present was free (recycled materials) and took about an hour total even with me pausing for pictures. Give it a try and let me know what you think.

 Supplies: Two scraps of T-shirt, Two rectangles of Fabric for exterior, One scrap of fabric for Heart Shape, Half a cup of 20 minute White Rice, Scissors, Thread, Sewing Machine, and Extra Thread to Hand-Embroider the Message.

Step 1: Sew one t-shirt scrap to the back of each piece of outer fabric. The T-shirt acts as a liner and stabilizer.

Step 2: Place Heart where you want it on the outer fabric and sew around the edge with a zig-zag stitch. You can use any shape you want. I used a heart so I could give it to my hubby for Valentines Day.


Step 3:  Embroider your Message with the visible side on the outer fabric. You could use a machine for this. I did it by hand to give it extra personality. I think this was my first time hand-embroidering.

 Step 4: Zig-Zag stitch around the edges with outer fabric facing in. Leave a 1 or 2 inch gap to turn and fill the handwarmer with the rice.


Step 5: Turn so that the correct side is now facing out and topstitch around the edges. Still leave the gap open so that you can fill the pouch with rice.


Step 6: Fill the Hand warmer with  20 Minute (NOT instant) White Rice. I used 1/2 cup but you can adjust the amount to fit your needs. More rice means longer heat. Less rice means a lower profile to fit better in a pocket. Top stitch the gap you left to close it.

 Step 7: The final step is to toss it in your microwave for 30 seconds. Pull it out and feel the heat. For a warmer effect microwave it longer. For less heat microwave it for a shorter time. The one I made stays warm for almost 30 minutes!

My hand warmer says, "You are loved" in shorthand or nerd lingo. What message would you embroider on your pocket size hand warmer?


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