
Friday, January 25, 2013

A Rare Level of Care

I purchased some LEDs from eBay the other day and they just arrived. Nicely wrapped around the bag of lights inside the box was a little comic strip about why leaving feedback is so important. It got me thinking about my own feedback for my online store and I came to the conclusion that I don't mind when people don't leave feedback.

Most sellers are anal about getting that positive feedback. They print notes to send with each package and try to find polite ways to say "give me good marks." If you don't leave feedback right away some give you neutral reviews. They get their undies in a bundle over a couple mouse clicks and stars!

There are times when I make an online purchase and, even though it arrives at it's destination, it takes me an extra week to pick it up. I'm not trying to procrastinate in leaving feedback. I'm simply busy. I'm just as excited to open that package as the seller is to get their positive review. I also like to take the time to really evaluate the product so I know my review is accurate. Times like these I get really bothered by sellers who nag about giving scores. My approach as a seller is a little different.

When I sell an item, custom orders especially, I know that my buyer is looking for something specific. They took the time to converse with me about the most minute details to ensure they get what they want and I put forth every effort to honor that request by sending them the best product I can offer. (Note: I'm a perfectionist almost to a fault.) I take the time to write them a personal note about the item and include it in the shipment. I give them multiple ways to contact me for any reason they might need to. Most importantly, I do not pester them about scores, feedback, stars, or positive reviews. I send them a message online asking to let me know their product arrived safely and that they are pleased. I let them know that if they are in any way unsatisfied to let me know so I can do everything in my power to fix the situation. I really do care that they are happy with their purchase and everything I need to know can be summed up in an email. It would seem almost rude to me to ask my customer to log into a website, click such-and-such link, write a few blah-blahs, and click some stars. That is their choice and I do not feel I have a right (or need) to nag.

I feel my approach is more personal. I think it shows a level of caring that many online shoppers never experience. I take the time to ask them personally if they are happy, not ask them to boast my stats with a silly score. When I do get a positive review (no negative reviews yet!) I see it as a bonus. That customer was so happy with their purchase they took the time from their busy schedule to leave me a good review. If I email a customer inquiring about a purchase and never hear back from them I take it as a sign that they are satisfied and may not have the time to reply, that is perfectly acceptable in my opinion. Yes, I have made many sales online. No, my stores do not show a lot of reviews. If you could see my email though, it tells a different story.

I don't mind when you don't leave feedback - but it makes my day to get a happy email. :)

Thanks for reading!
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  1. Do so agree with this attitude. I'm still a novice at this social media lark, and confess that I get chuffed by a positive review and nice comments too. But, like you, I do not chase my customers for them. If they don't reply (so far they all have - and been nice to me!) well so be it.

    Hope our attitude continues to pay off well for both of us. Thanks for sharing.

    Met you on the Etsy Seller Success site, while seeking Blog Followers - hope that doesn't count as a pester in your book? Am about to follow you anyway!


    1. Thanks for reading Isobel! I'm glad there are other sellers with this extra caring attitude. I think old fashioned etiquette gets lost in all the technology sometimes and people forget that there is another human with worries and dreams on the other side of an interaction.

      I'm glad you stopped by. I have followed you back - I have many fond memories of handmade teddy bears from my youth. :)

      Keep up the good work.
      Cory of Tiny Tipis

  2. Very well said! I couldn't have said it better myself as I hold the same views as you do.

